
  • He is a murderer in his head and he is losing himself by actually killing people. Posthumous work of an ac…
  • He is a murderer in his head and he is losing himself by actually killing people. Posthumous work of an ac…
  • JEON stated that ”with The Painter I want to create a different type of mise-en…
  • 《不伦时代》是曾打造“城市三部曲”并成为国际影展常客的韩国作者导演全奎焕的一次更为贴近观众的商业化尝试。通…
  • 갱년기를 겪으며 갑상선 암에 걸려 힘들게 살아가는 퇴폐마사지업소의 경숙. 보고 싶었던 딸의 결혼 소식을 들…
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